Event Archive

An archive of previous and past events.

Nantes Utopiales Panel: Leonardo Da Vinci 

Cité des congrès de Nantes — 4pm to 5pm

Nantes Utopiales, International Science Fiction Festival On Mai 2nd 1519, exactly 500 years ago, el signor Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, aka Leonardo Da Vinci, died in Blois. His […]

3 Nov

Nantes Utopiales Panel: My body, my choice 

Cité des congrès de Nantes — 7pm to 8pm

Nantes Utopiales, International Science Fiction Festival Science fiction has far more concerned eugenics and birth limitation than the individual’s non-reproductive choice. Despite the global overpopulation, choosing – definitively or not […]

2 Nov

Guest at Utopiales, International Science Fiction Festival

La Cité Nantes Congress Centre 5 Rue de Valmy, 44000 Nantes, France

Utopiales bring together scientists, researchers, writers, writers, designers, filmmakers and all those who, day after day, fashion fabulous worlds from fragments of reality, to make real thought experiments, invitations to cultivate our […]

31 Oct

Nantes Utopiales Panel: The dark side of the moon 

Cité des Congrès — 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Nantes Utopiales, International Science Fiction Festival They are called the “Hidden Figures”, a phenomenon that is also known as the Matilda Effect: thus, Margaret Hamilton has been although discreetly at […]

31 Oct

Nantes Utopiales Panel: Live long and prosper 

Cité des congrès de Nantes — 5pm to 6pm

Nantes Utopiales, International Science Fiction Festival Codes may set a positive framework in which strategies can be implemented to level down automatically aggressiveness and encourage social gatherings. Politeness, for instance, […]

31 Oct

"Warm, generous, and inviting," Inventing the Renaissance provides a witty and irreverent journey through the fantasies historians have constructed about the supposed Dark Ages and golden Renaissance, and exposes the terrible yet often tender reality beneath.